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Data object

A data object is an instance of a schema. Every data object is part of a data collection. Every data object:

  • Has a name, which is unique within the data collection,
  • Has an optional description, which is a human-readable description of the data object,
  • Has every field with the correct type, that is defined in the schema.

Since object names are unique within a data collection, and the id of the data collections are unique across all data collections, we are using this to create a unique identifier for every data object. The format of this identifier is data-collection-id#object-name. We use this ID whenever a reference is made to a data object in a data object field.

A data collection with a single data object in .pdata.yaml format looks like this:

id: example-collection
name: Example Data Collection
description: This is an example data collection.
schema: id-of-existing-schema
    - name: example-object
      description: This is an example data object.

The example-object data object in the example-collection data collection has the ID example-collection#example-object.