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Schemas are defined in .pschema.yaml (or .pschema.json) files. Schemas describe the structure of your data objects. They define the fields of your data objects. Every schema:

  • Has an id, which is unique across all schemas,
  • Has a name, which is a human-readable name for the schema,
  • Has an optional description, which is a human-readable description of the schema,
  • Has a fields field, which is an array of fields.

Each field:

  • Has a name, which is unique within the schema,
  • Has a type, which is one of the primitive types listed below,
  • Has an optional description, which is a human-readable description of the field,
  • May specify required: true to indicate that the field is required,
  • May specify multiple: true to indicate that the field is an array of the specified type,
  • Has a reference, if type is attachment or reference, which is the id of another schema.
  • Has an enum, if type is enum, which is an array of possible values,

The primitive types are:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • enum
  • dict
  • attachment
  • reference

An empty schema in .pschema.yaml format looks like this:

id: empty-schema
name: Empty Schema
description: This is an empty schema.
fields: []

Enum fields

You can create enum fields, by specifying the type as enum, and providing an enum field with an array of possible values. For example:

id: Service
name: Service
description: A service in the application.
    - name: authenticationType
      type: enum
      description: The type of authentication required for the service.
          - none
          - basic
          - token
          - oauth

Dict fields

You can create dict fields, by specifying the type as dict. A dict field is a YAML (or JSON) object of arbitrary key-value pairs. For example:

id: GameObject
name: GameObject
description: A game object type.
    - name: propertyTypes
      description: The types of the properties of the game object, each value must be a valid JSON type.
      type: dict

Attachment fields

Attachment fields are used to embed other structured data objects. This data objects still must follow a schema, but they don't have their own ID, and live only as a part of another data object. For example:

id: Service
name: Service
description: A service in the application.
    - name: operations
      description: The operations that the service provides.
      type: attachment
      references: Operation
      multiple: true

Reference fields

Reference fields are used to reference other data objects. This reference can be to the same, or a different data collection. For example:

id: OperationParameter
name: OperationParameter
description: A parameter of an operation.
    - name: type
      description: The type of the parameter.
      type: reference
      references: BasicType
      required: true

List fields

You can set multiple: true on a field to make it a list field. List fields are arrays of the specified type. For example:

id: Operation
name: Operation
description: An operation of a service.
    - name: parameters
      description: The parameters of the operation.
      type: attachment
      references: OperationParameter
      multiple: true

A more involved example

Here is a more real-world-like example of a schema:

id: Entity
name: Entity
description: An entity in the application.
    - name: attributes
      description: The attributes of the entity
      type: attachment
      references: EntityAttribute
      multiple: true
    - name: relationships
      description: The relationships of the entity
      type: attachment
      references: EntityRelationship
      multiple: true