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You can split up big template files into multiple smaller files, by creating .partial.mustache files. The filename of this file without the .partial.mustache extension will be used as the id of the partial.

For example, you can create the csharp-entity-class.partial.mustache file:

/** {{{entity.description}}} */
class {{pascalCase}}
    {{#each entity.fields}}
    /** {{{description}}} */
    {{type.cs}} {{pascalCase name}} { get; set; }


We are using {{}} and {{entity.fields}}. This is because the whole entity will be passed as an argument to this partial, with the entity name.

We can use this in a .ptemplate.mustache file like this:

    "forEach": "entities",
    "filename": "Entities/{{pascalCase name}}.cs"
using System;

namespace Entities
    {{> csharp-entity-class entity=this }}

All partials will always be loaded by ProJor from the .projor directory before starting code generation, and will be available in all templates.